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Periodic Table of the ElementsThe Physics of AngelsMorphic ResonanceWholeness and the Implicate Order

What Is a Spirit Mineral?

Ordinary matter is made of minerals...

In Chemistry, we see them arrayed in the Periodic Table of the Elements.

Within that organizational layout is a group known as the Transition Metals.

This group includes about a dozen minerals that are now known to also exist in a non-metallic state, originally patented as ORMEs by David Hudson over 30 years ago...

He coined the name ORMEs for this unique state of matter as an acronym for Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements.

Modern day alchemists also work with these Transition Minerals to alter their state between the metal and what is often referred to as Monatomic Minerals or ORMUS...

According to the experience of alchemists throughout the ages, this non-ordinary state of matter is the essence, the carrier, and the substrate of consciousness itself.

It is the stuff... the non-ordinary stuff... of the soul... the spirit... the immortal sentient body that is our true identity.


A question about Prayer:

It is said that Prayer and Fasting are our most powerful weapons to do good. I have calculated that the transdimensional power of one human soul is equivalent to 24 times the energy released at Hiroshima. How do we even begin to harness that unfathomable potential to do the maximum good?

There have been times in my life when I was dedicated to more formal daily regular practices of prayer. Today, I simply do my best to live each day in a prayerful and productive way.

To modify a Saint Francis quote, "We're always praying... and sometimes we use words." He actually said 'preaching' in response to a new volunteer who was told the towns they would be preaching in that day, and after hours of collecting donations of food or blankets and other items, and giving whatever aid was needed in various ways in one place after another without talking, the volunteer was upset that his expectations were met with cognitive dissonance. He asked "You said we were going to preach in those places, and you didn't say a word. When will you start preaching?" Francis answered, "I thought you understood - We're always preaching... and sometimes we use words."

I'm also reminded of Mother Theresa's answer about praying to God, and what she says: "Mostly I listen." And about what God says: "Mostly I listen." 

I guess my favorite model for contemplating the nature of prayer is Mary: "She held all these things in her heart." To me what I hold in my heart is my prayer when I hold them with the intention to be of maximum service and for an outcome of the greatest good. I see it as a combination of the Fire Element of the Heart with the Water Element of the Will (centered in the Kidneys). Together this vertical dynamo generates steam to empower great results. When a client shares a healing goal, I hold that intention along with intending optimum support for the active healing processes that are guided by their innate intelligence. That is my mindset when I am testing my own body as a surrogate for a client. I am visualizing them with the support of their picture and contemplating their case and their state as a medical empath to be able to effectively communicate with their spirit in real time independent of distance. We have had a few very interesting instances where clients reported remarkable healings at the time they were being tested despite not knowing exactly when the test would be happening. That along with the intuitively correct results of the tests, the results of the programs, and the science that makes sense of it all give me great confidence that we are working in the greater reality of all that is. This is the impetus behind my development of the Clinical Theory of Everything. In response to those whose world is limited to consensus science beliefs, I could borrow from Shakespeare: "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

I guess the short answer is that to me prayer is simply intention, just as my church is simply the viable souls I can serve. Thirty years ago I dedicated myself to a spiritual vow of poverty. Twenty years ago I gave up serving as a Doctor licensed to the State. This allows me greater freedom to strive to serve as a Doctor of the Church. The word Doctor comes from docere, to teach, and Church means souls. The soul is the sentient, immortal essence of the being that serves not only the conscious awareness, but also the innate intelligence that guides and directs all healing. The fastest, best, and easiest healing is when we serve and support that which is already striving for completion. We identify and supply the essential resources needed to speed the work, whether it be material, energetic, or informational. That is how and why Accelerated Self Healing is able to reverse a year of accumulated damage in a month. 

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Remedy Match LLC, DBA Healing Oasis

[email protected]

PO Box 126 Hilo, Hawai'i-Kingdom [96721]

+1 (808) 217-9647

[*"The statements herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."] T.D.C.